Whitney Johnston, Founder of Even If
I grew up in Kentucky, rooted in my family’s generous love. After a ten-year career in business, I married Robert and I was blissfully in love with our new life. Before our first anniversary, we welcomed our precious daughter, Alexandra Key Johnston. When Alex was seven months old, I was devastated to be diagnosed with leukemia. Soon I began to learn that, even if the road was hard, God was with me. I am blessed to be the recipient of generosity in countless ways.
The greatest gift that followed my diagnosis was the birth of our son, Remington Turner Johnston. My amazing sister Lea graciously carried our son while she and Chris were raising their four young children. This is my hope and my legacy: Joy can come... even if! I know that the God of love, goodness and miracles has a perfect plan for my life.
“Even If,” by Mercy Me, is the song that helped me through my darkest times. The song made it clear to me that even if I am living with unmovable mountains, it is well with my soul.
When we are suffering, it helps to take our eyes off ourselves and focus on others. Even if I am living with leukemia, I want to do what I can, for as long as I can, to bless others.
At my husband’s suggestion, I combined my faith and my love of people into a gifting service. I spent my professional career working in the distribution business, and I find myself back in distribution. I believe in promoting people, especially when they truly have something to sell or something to say.
Even If is more than a business; it’s part of my legacy. Our hope is to provide an avenue for others to thoughtfully select gifts to encourage, comfort and celebrate the recipients.
Kendal Jenne
A native Texan with a passion for antiques and interior design, Kendal created Stanhope Design Group along with her mother. Next came her own art: abstract, flowering canvases and Even If’s “Best Gift for Growing Families”. The Armor of God is designed to be posted above a doorframe in your home.
Kendal created the original canvas for the Cleveland, Tennessee home she and Josh share with their three sons, to remind them all to put on the armor of God when they walk through that door.
Her collection of Ebenezers features the giver’s choice of custom-designed emblems on canvas, backed with Bible verses and other encouraging words.
For Kendal it’s all about expressing God’s love through relationships with others. You can sing along with Kendal’s original Even If playlist here.
Haley Crow
Haley shares her love of Christ, ministry and missions through her artistic gifts – watercolors with words of wisdom from Scripture and other soulful sources.
Haley grew up in Illinois; she graduated from college with a Fine Arts degree. She met her husband, Kevin, while they both spent a year overseas as missionaries. When they returned they settled in Chattanooga and fell in love with the community there. During Covid, Haley poured her passions into “Roads & Rivers,” her art venture that specializes in watercolor and calligraphy designs.
She strives to glorify God in everything, and adds, “I am thrilled to be a part of the Even If team, because I believe the message of Christ is being shared through the gift of giving.”